• When I began serving on the Millard School Board, I dived into the issues the community faced.

    I studied these concerns, listened to community members, and with a solid understanding of the key points, I actively worked with fellow board members to create solutions.

    Over the 16 years I served on the school board, I continued to follow this process:

    LISTEN to the community

    LEARN the issues

    LEAD towards the best solution

    As a member of the state legislature, I will continue to LISTEN, LEARN, and LEAD on your behalf.

  • Democracy and prosperity depend on everyone having a solid understanding of how a free society functions as well as having the necessary skills to be productive now and in the future.

    Being well-educated is not an exclusive privilege for the elite but is a heritage for ALL. Public schools are our schools and are required to provide a meaningful education for everyone, regardless of background or inherent abilities. We need to attract, support, and retain highly qualified educators in every level of the public school system.

    I am committed to securing the resources necessary to ensure our public schools are providing an Excellent Education for Everyone.

  • We face many challenges in today’s complex world such as making ends meet while planning for the future. We see political unrest and concerns about climate change. Many wonder whether they will have the same retirement and health benefits that they see the older generation enjoying.

    As we work together to find solutions, we need more than a quick fix. We need lasting outcomes. We desire to protect our environment, fund social security, and provide accessible health benefits without damaging the economy. To do this we must carefully plan and commit current resources.

    I am committed to finding effective solutions that strike the right balance - preserving our current prosperity without shortchanging the future.